
Free Nexter Extension
3 months ago

Version 3.2.0

  • Compatibility : Hello Elementor Theme : Nexter Builder Template
  • Performance : Query Optimize and Improve Code
  • Fix : Minor Bug Fix
Free Nexter Extension
4 months ago

Version 3.1.5

  • Security : Nexter Security : Disable XML-RPC option Bug Fixed
  • Fix : Nexter Builder : Particular Posts Sections Layout all Singular taxonomy Bug Fixed
  • Improvement : Optimize Code and Improve
Free Nexter Extension
4 months ago

Version 3.1.4

  • Fix : Advanced Security : Bug Fixed and improvement code
Free Nexter Extension
5 months ago

Version 3.1.3

  • Fix : Advanced Security : Bug Fix for Enable REST API
Free Nexter Extension
5 months ago

Version 3.1.2

  • Fix: Nexter Builder : Selecting Template for Specific Post/Taxonomy
Free Nexter Extension
6 months ago

Version 3.1.1

  • Security : Bug Fix and Improvements

Free Nexter Extension
8 months ago

Version 3.1.0

  • Added : Security : Two Factor Authentication Login Enable
Free Nexter Extension
8 months ago

Version 3.0.6

  • Fix : Local Google Font : Loading Issued Block Editor @font_face Bug Fixed
  • Fix : Extra Options : Custom Fonts Upload Bug Fix
Free Nexter Extension
10 months ago

Version 3.0.5

  • Fix : Settings : Performance and Security : Options Bug Fix
  • Improvements : Improvements and Bug Fixes
Free Nexter Extension
11 months ago

Version 3.0.4

  • Fix : Advanced Security : Header XSS Protection Bug Fix
  • Fix : Nexter Builder : Display Rules Condition Bug Fix
Free Nexter Extension
11 months ago

Version 3.0.3

  • Fix : Rank Math SEO : Bug Fix
Free Nexter Extension
12 months ago

Version 3.0.2

  • Fix : PHP Variable Bug Fix
Free Nexter Extension
12 months ago

Version 3.0.1

  • Compatibility : Wordpress 6.3
  • Compatibility : ACF : Select2 conflict JS Bug Fix
  • Update : Nexter Builder : Layout Section Header/Footer Template Elementor Editor Bug Fix
Free Nexter Extension
about 1 year ago

Version 3.0.0

  • Added : Beta : Extra Options : Regenerate Thumbnails
  • Added : Performance : Disable Image Sizes
  • Added : Performance : Register Custom Image Sizes
  • Added : Performance : Disable Elementor Icons
  • Added : Advanced Performance : Defer CSS & JS
  • Added : Advanced Performance : Defer CSS & JS
  • Added : Advanced Security : Disable File Editor
  • Added : Advanced Security : Remove Meta Generator
  • Added : Advanced Security : XSS Protection
  • Added : Advanced Security : Secure Cookies
  • Added : Advanced Security : iFrame Security
  • Update : Nexter Builder Added
  • Improved : Performance by optimizing CSS & JS
  • Update : Ability to use standalone Without Nexter Theme
  • Fix : Switch Button Bug Fix Plugin Compatibility
Free Nexter Extension
about 1 year ago

Version 2.0.4

  • Fix : CMB Field Switch conflict bug fix Rank math SEO plugin
  • Fix : Security Update Bug Fix
Free Nexter Extension
over 1 year ago

Version 2.0.3

  • Compatibility : WPML : Nexter Builder Templates
Free Nexter Extension
over 1 year ago

Version 2.0.2

  • Compatibility : WordPress 6.1.1
  • Compatibility : Elementor 3.8.1
  • Compatibility : Gutenberg 14.5.2
  • Improvements : Minor Improvements and Bug Fixes

Free Nexter Extension
almost 2 years ago

Version 2.0.1

  • Fix : Nexter Builder : Php Code Snippet bug fix
  • Fix : Nexter Builder : Javascript Code Snippet bug fix
  • Fix : Admin Login Page 404 page redirect bug fix
  • Fix : Comment template bug fix
Free Nexter Extension
about 2 years ago

Version 2.0.0

  • Added : Post/Page Duplicator : Post Author | Post Date | Post Status | Post Prefix | Post Slug Customisation Options. 
  • Added : Post/Page Duplicator : Duplicate Copies Number option
  • Added : Google reCAPTCHA : Version 2 | Version 2 (Invisible) | Version 3
  • Added : Google reCAPTCHA : Login Form | Registartion Form | Reset Password Form | Comments Form
  • Added : Google reCAPTCHA : Light & Dark Theme Options
  • Added : Site Replace URL : Use for URL or Text content 
  • Added : Site Replace URL : Case Sensitive Option
  • Added : Adobe font kit Integration 
  • Added : Local Google font Integration
  • Added : Custom Font Upload : Simple Font Option
  • Added : Custom Font Upload : Variable Font Option
  • Added : Disable Admin Settings : Remove Welcome Panel
  • Added : Disable Admin Settings : Hide Admin Notice
  • Added : Disable Admin Settings : Hide Core Update Notifications
  • Added : Disable Admin Settings : Remove ‘PHP Update Required’ Notice
  • Added : Disable Admin Settings : Hide Plugin Update Notifications
  • Added : Disable Admin Settings : Hide Themes Update Notifications
  • Added : Disable Admin Settings : Hide Frontend Admin Bar
  • Added : Year & Copyright Shortcode : [nxt-copyright] for Copyright Symbol
  • Added : Year & Copyright Shortcode : [nxt-year] for Current Year
  • Added : Year & Copyright Shortcode : [nxt-year format='d-m-Y']  for Current Date in required Format
  • Added : System Info Download or Copy in Nexter Dashboard
  • Improved : New Nexter Dashboard Design
  • Fixes : Multiple Bug Fixes & Improvements
Free Nexter Extension
over 2 years ago

Version 1.0.10

  • Update : Nexter Builder : Archive Pages : Default Post Type Archive option added
  • Fix: WP_User_Query compatibility with WP 5.9
Free Nexter Extension
over 2 years ago

Version 1.0.9

  • Fix : Nexter Settings : Performance : PHP Bug
Free Nexter Extension
over 2 years ago

Version 1.0.8

  • Fix : jQuery Free Bug Fix
Free Nexter Extension
over 2 years ago

Version 1.0.7

  • Added : Nexter Builder Template List per page on Admin Bar for easy edit access
  • Added : Nexter Settings : Performance : Disable Emojis Script
  • Added : Nexter Settings : Performance : Disable Embeds
  • Added : Nexter Settings : Performance : Disable Dashicons
  •  Added : Nexter Settings : Performance : Remove RSD Link
  • Added : Nexter Settings : Performance : Remove wlwmanifest Link
  • Added : Nexter Settings : Performance : Remove Shortlink
  • Added : Nexter Settings : Performance : Disable RSS Feeds
  • Added : Nexter Settings : Performance : Remove RSS Feed Links
  • Added : Nexter Settings : Performance : Disable Self Pingbacks
  • Added : Nexter Settings : Performance : Disable Comments, Disable Comments Post Type Wise
  • Added : Nexter Settings : Performance : Disable Password Strength Meter
  • Added : Nexter Settings : Security : Disable XML-RPC
  • Added : Nexter Settings : Security : Disable WP Version Generator
  • Added : Nexter Settings : Security : Disable REST API
  • Added : Nexter Settings : Security : Remove REST API Links
  • Added : Nexter Settings : Security : Redirect WP Login URL 
  • Fix : Compatibility : Rank Math SEO Plugin CSS Conflict Bug
Free Nexter Extension
almost 3 years ago

Version 1.0.6

  • Fix : Header bug 
Free Nexter Extension
almost 3 years ago

Version 1.0.5

  • Added : Nexter Builder : Header Sticky Options
  • Update : Code Snippet : User Role permission "unfiltered_html" required for Code Execution
Free Nexter Extension
almost 3 years ago

Version 1.0.4

  • Added : Nexter Builder : Code Snippets (PHP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript)
Free Nexter Extension
about 3 years ago

Version 1.0.3

  • Fix : Bug Fix and Improvement
Free Nexter Extension
about 3 years ago

Version 1.0.2

  • Fix : Bug Fix
Free Nexter Extension
about 3 years ago

Version 1.0.1

  • Added : Nexter Builder Preview Options in Templates
Free Nexter Extension
over 3 years ago

Version 1.0.0

  • Launch : Initial Release 🎉