Nexter Blocks - PRO
over 1 year ago

Version 3.0.2

  • Added : Plus Extras : Event Tracker : Google (GA4) and Facebook Events Tracker
  • Added : Container : New Property Align Item normal & Justify content Space Evenly Options add.
  • Added : Container : Add Reverse Column Options with Responsive.
  • Added : Pricing Table : Add Alignment option for Content, Add Icon Color for Individual Stylish List, Add Extra Icon for Stylish List
  • Added : Testimonial : Add Margin Option for Content
  • Compatibility : Animated Service Boxes : Hover Section Style Compatible with Container
  • Fix : Row : Middle Layer Option Canvas Bug Fix
  • Fix : Container : Middle Layer Option Canvas Bug Fix
  • Fix : Container : Equal Column Bug Fix in Backend
  • Fix : AccordionΒ  : Responsive Scroll Bug Fix
  • Fix : Popup Builder : Show Popup Per User Bug Fix.
  • Fix : Popup Builder : Contact Form 7 Sent Mail Success of Close Popup Option.
  • Fix : Table Of Content : Default Open Toggle in heading Bug Fix
  • Fix : Social Feed : Post URL Bug Fix
  • Fix : Core Blocks : RSS, Archives, Latest Comments, Tag Cloud Bug Fix
  • Fix : More Improvement and Bug Fix.